Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday 10/29

OWhat a full day filled with a wild range of emotions.

Our first stop was the Care Center Hospice Care. We arrived for worship and devotional time. To sing along with the staff in both Zulu (yes, we learned a song in Zulu...there is no one like Jesus) and English.  We were accompanied by Dumasami on the accordion. So spirit filled and a booming voice for God. We had a chance to briefly visit the patients, the hospice cares for 40, and we will be returning there on Thursday to spend some more time visiting. The nurses are Such a beautiful display of Gods love for the sick and dying. Truly the hands and feet of our great God.

We then traveled to Murchsion Community Center and I really don't know if I have words to describe. Over 100 kids, ages 2-16. Controlled chaos would be what my eyes first saw. However the staff is so well respected by the kids, they are so good to listen and follow orders. We played, loved on the kids, read a story and did crafts. I spent a considerable amount of time with a young girl, 12, named Thibile whose name means Honey. Her life story totally broke my heart. The brutality she experienced at a young age made me weep-rape, physical abuse, and what they call here demon possessed. This young lady was so articulate and matter a fact about her life I struggled to wrap my head around it. The staff are aware of her situation and are seeking some counseling for her through the church and I pray it will help Sabilli move forward in life.

Thibile is the one on my right in blue.
She desires to be a teacher and would like to travel to New York some day. The child on her lap is her sisters child, so her niece, whom she is in charge of caring for each day so can not always attend school. I can't wait to see her again on Thursday.

When you see all the poverty and the young and old alike so affected by it, it truly wrecks you. I never understood what that meant exactly until now. You begin to question your own path in life and what God desires you to do with such an experience. One I am sure I will be grappling with for quite some time.

Yet amidst all this, there are beacons of hope. God is present here. Truly present! You can see him, shinning with bright light through those who follow him. Bringing joy and peace everywhere they go.
I felt him yesterday! I could feel being sheltered by his wings and last night as I struggled to sleep, I sensed his presence as I prayed over Sabilli. 

Love to all!

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