Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thank You

How to say Thank You.  It is hard to put my emotions into words.  I find it hard to express my deep appreciation for all your support, both financial and in prayer.  This trip was certainly life changing. Today, 2 weeks later, I am still grappling and struggling, full of questions for God, hard questions with no answers forthcoming.  I believe God and I will wrestle for some days to come as I seek answers and try to reconcile the trip to my life here in Algonquin. 

My trip though extremely joyful and filled with laughter, new found friends, and a deeper spiritual faith, has left me asking myself some tough questions.  What is God’s intention for my life? What will my next steps be? How can I better serve the Lord with my life? How would He have me share Jesus in my everyday life?

My experiences with those I served and those who serve in South Africa were so blessed, so eye opening, and so heartbreaking all at the same time.  I really admire those who serve day in and day out in those communities, sacrificing all, yet serving so deeply rooted in the Lord.  Their faith and dedication to God’s call is moving mountains in South Africa.

In the community where we served, AIDS is the prevailing force for destruction.  Taking lives too early, removing adults from communities, and exposing children to horrors they shouldn’t have to experience at such a young age. 80% of the people we encountered were infected/affected by HIV. Entire communities erased, children with no role models, no hope of emerging out of the chaos of rape, family abuse, drugs, no hope for school.  The community in Murchison is what Norwegian Settlers Church calls the epicenter of the AIDS epidemic in South Africa.  Yet here I saw a light, a beacon of hope in the Murchison Community Centre.  Here Letitia and her staff, with the support of Genesis(a ministry of Norwegian Settlers Church), took a community with no hope, added a gym focused on Christ, and young men came.  They in turn brought their sisters, younger siblings and here they have a safe place.  A safe place to learn skills, to do homework, to learn music, to get a meal, and to hear the word of God. Everything that is done is done with Christ at the center. Since they opened their doors, crime is down, girls are learning that it is ok to say no, to resist and to tell.  Boys are learning values, to value women.  School is valued. Community is built.  There are learning about Christ, bringing friends, and turning their comity around for good.  This Centre is a shinning light, is Christ embodied in others during His work, truly His hands and feet. 

Hope! Hope breeds hope.  A ripple.  A giant ripple.  These children, the teenagers, they are the hope of South Africa.  For in them, God is working, directing, opening doors, changing lives and moving the mountain.  Hope is alive! God’s word is being shared and lives are being changed.  

One of the prayers I had asked for was that God would expand my vision of who he is and that was certainly answered. I experienced and saw God in ways I never imagined.  From the timing of conversations about Him, to the changes in our schedule that were for our good and His glory, to having just enough supplies for the number of children(130) who arrived for programs.  God is bigger, more powerful and more active than I ever imagined. Without your support, I never would have seen a new vision of God.  One that is far beyond what I had ever experienced before.

I am eternally grateful. Thank You!

Yours in Christ,

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Home from South Africa

Home. Wow! Hard to put into words the time I spent in South Africa. I feel so incredibly blessed to have had this opportunity.  My eyes have been opened in ways I never imagined.

Going half way around the world to serve God was an adventure of a lifetime.  I can truly say I left my heart in South Africa. It was so fulfilling and rewarding in so many ways and on so many different levels.

Friendships were made, lives were transformed as eyes were opened, hearts were broken, God's majesty was revealed.

I was so amazed by those who serve at the Khula, Murchison and the Care Center.  Amazed at the joy of those I met, the strength and depth of their faith, their passion for life, and their deep abiding love for God.  Their movement through their everyday service was an inspiration and has me wanting that deep trust and faith.  To dig deeply in God's word, to be anchored by prayer, to be rooted in His holy word.

The children we encountered-I saw joy, sadness, despair, and smiles that could light up a room.  They live in such extreme poverty, under such difficult circumstances and the odds are stacked against them.  Aids has ravaged their families, their communities and taken away their childhoods. Yet they muster on, encouraged by Ally at Khula, Letitia at Murchison, and Gail and the nurses at the Care Center, Byron at Norwegian Settlers, and they are encouraged and lifted up in prayer here in Chicago. Some of the stories are heartbreaking and bring so many questions with no answers.  How to respond to their plight? How would God have me continue to serve? What is my next step?

Teamwork-As a team we pulled together, served together, cried together, laughed and snorted, formed new bonds and new friendships.  God put a bunch of strangers together and created a family. I knew no one when I started this adventure and now have 8 new friends that I was so grateful to serve with.  It was fun and exciting to watch as God worked in each of us, challenged us, transformed us, and grew us. I can only speak for me, but think it is the same for the others, my faith was changed. Newly charged, deepened, strengthen, and a new passion infused.

I am sure there will be adjustments to being back in the USA, back in the routine, but God will be faithful in directing my steps on solid ground, lighting the way He desires me to go.  He is awesome and powerful. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday 10/31

Another wonderful day here in South Africa. We began the day by serving in the Genesis Care Center. We had an opportunity to walk around and pray with the patients as well as sing a few worship songs and share a devotional time. What a blessing to see God at work through the staff. He has filled them with such a passion for the sick. It is so evident that they love The Lord and His people.  I was particullary moved as I watched the nurses lovingly reassure those that were in distress with such tenderness. We could all take a lesson in compassion from them. It was so rewarding to here individual stories about not only the nurses but the patients as well. 

From there after lunch we headed back to Murchsion for some craft time with the children. There were all eagerly awaiting our arrival. Janette brought letters for them to answer from her children's school. What a joy to watch as the kids wrote of their lives in South Africa. The most amazing part was as Letitia challenged the older school age children to pray for the student whose letter they received. As the children lined up for their snack to take home, it was amazing to see how orderly they were for a simple small carrot. Something most would turn down in the US.

There are pockets of Hope in Africa. God is visibly at work, but there is so much need as well. They have much to overcome, however their spirit is strong, they are confident God has a plan. I to have confidence in the Lords plans for South Africa. Although we can't envision what it is, the picture so large, it is the pockets of hope that sustains, encourages and brings joy to so many children. Their faith, perseverance and joy is something I admire and pray I will follow their lead!

May The Lord invigorate my spirit these last few days, May he remove my sore throat so I may serve him fully. May His light shine through me so that He will be glorified!

I will rejoice, because I have complete confidence in You!  (2Cor 7:16)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday 10/30

Joy! Today we were back at Khula, playing with the kids and doing out Nativity Play. I think they loved it! I am sure our acting skills were quite hysterical but being able to share the story of the birth of our Lord and Savior was so thrilling, and watching their rapt attention was so cool. We also helped with serving their breakfast and playing duck duck goose. Such a universal game.  These kids are starved for hugs and smiles, they reach their arms up and just want to crawl all over you and be held. At on point, I was buried under 7 or 8 children and literally just couldn't get up. Their laughter fille me with such joy. Truly God was smiling down on us this day! (Not to mention 80 degrees and sunny)

Then we were off to Leopard Rock for lunch.

We ended the day by visiting children at an orphanage. This one was heartbreaking. Definitely an institutional setting. What you envision an orphanage to see. These children broke my heart. The lack of life behind some of their eyes broke my heart. 

I had to remind myself today that God is in control as Proverbs 3:5 came to mind. Trust in the Loed with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding..
And also 2 Corinthians 7:16-I rejoice because I have complete confidence in you(God)

You know,  I may not get what is happening here in relation to all the suffering children, but I have to lean on God and rejoice in the joy he brings through those who are trying to make a difference. I pray I am open to being part of His plan!
Goodnight from Africa!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday 10/29

OWhat a full day filled with a wild range of emotions.

Our first stop was the Care Center Hospice Care. We arrived for worship and devotional time. To sing along with the staff in both Zulu (yes, we learned a song in Zulu...there is no one like Jesus) and English.  We were accompanied by Dumasami on the accordion. So spirit filled and a booming voice for God. We had a chance to briefly visit the patients, the hospice cares for 40, and we will be returning there on Thursday to spend some more time visiting. The nurses are Such a beautiful display of Gods love for the sick and dying. Truly the hands and feet of our great God.

We then traveled to Murchsion Community Center and I really don't know if I have words to describe. Over 100 kids, ages 2-16. Controlled chaos would be what my eyes first saw. However the staff is so well respected by the kids, they are so good to listen and follow orders. We played, loved on the kids, read a story and did crafts. I spent a considerable amount of time with a young girl, 12, named Thibile whose name means Honey. Her life story totally broke my heart. The brutality she experienced at a young age made me weep-rape, physical abuse, and what they call here demon possessed. This young lady was so articulate and matter a fact about her life I struggled to wrap my head around it. The staff are aware of her situation and are seeking some counseling for her through the church and I pray it will help Sabilli move forward in life.

Thibile is the one on my right in blue.
She desires to be a teacher and would like to travel to New York some day. The child on her lap is her sisters child, so her niece, whom she is in charge of caring for each day so can not always attend school. I can't wait to see her again on Thursday.

When you see all the poverty and the young and old alike so affected by it, it truly wrecks you. I never understood what that meant exactly until now. You begin to question your own path in life and what God desires you to do with such an experience. One I am sure I will be grappling with for quite some time.

Yet amidst all this, there are beacons of hope. God is present here. Truly present! You can see him, shinning with bright light through those who follow him. Bringing joy and peace everywhere they go.
I felt him yesterday! I could feel being sheltered by his wings and last night as I struggled to sleep, I sensed his presence as I prayed over Sabilli. 

Love to all!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Today's serving

Praising God today for clearing the weather just enough today so we could could serve as planned. He protected us with less rain and roads that were passable. 
What an experience today was, so many emotionst o process as we served God on two separate 

The first was Khula Crèche. This is a daycare type center for young children who have no where to go while their caregiver is working or at school. They are as young as 2 and walk by themselves quite a long distance in all weather to spend the day, they are either orphaned by one parent or both. They are taught by some phenomanal women who have a love, passion and devotion for The Lord I have never seen before in my life.  Their worship and prayers filled the air, the Holy Spirit was truly welcomed there. Their commitment and confidence in our Lord and Savior just blew my mind and through them, God has me taking a hard look at my level of devotion to Him. 
One little boy, Kheto, just touched my heart as he sang for us and then he allowed me some time to play with him, hanging him upside down with joy and laughter. So looking forward to returning their on Wednesday.

We also traveled to Murchsion Community Center, an area ravaged by the Aids crisis, crime, unemployment and drugs. The center is an after school program for kids in the area. To see a godly woman running the center with such a passion and deep commitment to The Lord and the children in such an under resourced area again caused me to question my level of devotion to my Lord.

God has certainly opened my eyes to my faith "level" for lack of a better term, and has already shown me that my lack of confidence and trust in His amazing power to equip me in the things he's called me to do, has caused me to not always act obediently when called by him.  It goes back to what Pastor Trevor said, Belief is academic, Conviction involves action. What actions am I willing to take when called by God? Will I obediently respond?

Grateful to have my eyes opened. 
Praising God for an amazing day and amazing spirit lead talks with my fabulous roomate!

Khula crèche water


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Principles from church

Just stand still and see what God can do...
If I have idols, God will never answer a prayer by telling me to Just stand still and watch Him work.
You can only be still when you are willing to let go and surrender to God.
Stillness on the sabbath-A sabbath without worship is just a day off!
Sometimes when we feel the enemies presence, we need to stand still until God disarms the enemy.

Being still leads to conviction
Conviction is better than belief. 
    Conviction leads to action, belief is academic.
When you're still you're a blessing to others.
When you are still you hear Gods voice much better.
When your still it's because you know stuff about God-asking What Lord is the plan from here.
When you are still, you give God the opportunity to show off His power.
When you are still your senses are heightened.

Such an amazing reminder in our busy fast paced world to just slow down and be still and listen for the still small voice of God.

Be blessed!

Fun times!

As a team we have been practicing the songs we will be singing tomorrow. Laughing and snorting as we try to learn the hand movements. God bringing great joy to a dreary afternoon of rain and wind.
It has been amazing to see how he has protected us during the storm. We are warm and dry. Made it to church and back safely.  God brightening the afternoon, rain is lightening up and hopefully things will begin to dry.
Looking forward to the day tomorrow and praying God provides a clear and safe path as we travel to Khula and Murchinson.

Rain delays

Well, this trip has certainly not gone as planned so far. We are experiencing torrential rain that has kept us from going out and serving with the ministries as planned. 
Friday on our arrival we went and spent some time with YouthAlive-a high school ministry that is part of Norwegian Settlers Church(NSC). A time of teaching, worshipping and games. To see the youth of this region worshipping with such love and joy was an amazing experience to be a part of. One youth was so intrigued by us traveling so far, on an airplane no less with 300 people on the plane he couldn't even imagine. He said he had never been on a plane and would like to know what it was like.
Today we headed off to NSC for service and a normal 5 minute drive, took us 35 as we had to go the long way because the bridge was washed out. Service was phenomanal and was based on Jehoshaphat standing still and allowing God to work. The whole theme of the service was Be still, so appropriate as that is my life verse Ps46:10 and with the rain bringing a little tension and disappointment with our day.
This afternoon we are preparing and practicing for the day tomorrow.
Loving you all!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Travel day

All checked in and through  security. Excited to watch God at work. Prayers for safe travel.